Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The "Real" Final Review

Our days as Words and Images students are drawing to a close. I know I will want to cut loose at the close of our monumental 15-week journey. If you want to meet for happy hour after class, please give me suggestions for a good place. I am indecisive about such things. We should probably plan to meet at 4:00, after all the meetings are over. Or, people can show up and start early.


Dave The Game said...

I'm in, but I don't know the area well enough to make a recommendation. Within walking distance is probably preferred.

m4rk said...

Hell yeah!

Mt. Royal Tavern is a perfectly smokey dive right across Maryland Ave. on Mt. Royal. Dionysus is a semi-upscale lounge with a dive bar mentality. They have an interesting beer selection. I'm down for either of those.

Especially if it means we might get drunk and try to out-design some MICA kids.

michelle said...

brewers art is always fantastic. their resurrections are killer and a perfect treat to remedy our sore minds. unfortunately i will not be able to make it because i'm blacking out in washington dc as soon as my review is over. but i will miss everyone. cheers and congratulations to everyone for making it through words and images!

Bobby G said...

My strict requirements: they serve booze.
I'm down for whatever.

Laura M said...

Okay, Mark's suggestions sound good to me. I have never been to either of those places, but I am in the same mindset as Bob. We can finalize our plans before class.

Stephanie said...

I will try, but I am finally feeling better. So, I don't know if I want to push it.

We will have to all get together during the break.